Simply choose the country directory
you would like to advertise
your business within

Simply choose the country directory
you would like to advertise your business within

Subscription Options

By joining Yazoomer, you can provide your listing a significant audience reach offered by our unique visual directory. There are two easy options to choose from:

Free listing

The Free option allows you to upload your logo, six images and all your details on our directory.

Your listing will appear as part of the basic rotating adverts within your chosen category accessed from the business directory.

Premium listing

The Premium option incorporates everything mentioned in the free listing, plus the following features:

  • A premium spot rotating advert.
  • Two monthly posts on both our Twitter and Facebook channels.
  • A video channel link to display content on your listing page.

Just AUS $7 per month

Why go Premium?

Premium listings on Yazoomer are similar to promoted posts on social media networks – they target larger numbers of consumers and help increase brand awareness and online visibility.

We currently have over 10,000 followers and can leverage this to promote your Premium listing.

The increased prominence of a paid subscription (rotating premium spot at the top of your categor y page) ensures that your listing is more likely to be found by visitors compared to a Free subscription.

Yazoomer also offers the opportunity to link your video channel to your listing to enhance the visitors experience further and instill greater trust with your company.

Already signed up to a Free subscription?
Easily upgrade to Premium here…



Check out our latest blog entries below, or click here to see more.

Blog to increase your sales

Blog to increase your sales

4th Aug 2017

For some, blogging is a way to jot down thoughts, for others it’s a way of engaging with an online community of like minded people, but for small and medium sized businesses a blog can mean the difference between cold leads and successful sales. It’s reported that businesses that own, maintain, and update a company blog regularly with fresh, relevant content boast 55 percent more website visitors on average, compared to businesses who don’t engage in content marketing. The big question is - how does blogging make such a significant difference?

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Brand Strength - Increase it through Online Business Directories and Digital Marketing

Brand Strength - Increase it through Online Business Directories and Digital Marketing

21st Jul 2017

It’s no secret that we’re seeing a competitive market dominated by major brands. For small to medium sized businesses, the challenge isn’t in the creation of beneficial products or services, it’s in making potential consumers aware of the brand. Digital marketing is arguably one of the most effective ways of improving brand strength, but how should it be done?

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Online Directories - What are the benefits?

Online Directories - What are the benefits?

22nd Jun 2017

While more businesses are using online directories than ever before - and the market is expected to see a steady growth by around 2.4 percent by 2017 - this method of digital advertising is still heavily underutilised by many small and medium businesses who place too much importance on SEO and SMM alone (we will be posting blogs on these topics within the coming weeks). Here are some of the key benefits businesses could enjoy through placing an advert in a global online directory:

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